七年级上册 Unit9

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opera 音标:['ɔpərə]

n. 歌剧
谐音:阿波罗 阿婆热爱歌剧《阿波罗》。
分析:ope 和 open 相似打开 r --- 小草;a ---- 一;

联想方式:ope~open(开张); ra(啦)
词根词缀记忆法:opera n 歌剧(通过创作而来),Oper=work ,表示“工作”
1. cinema n.电影院, 电影 Actually I think TV can’t completely take the place of the cinema. 实际上我认为电视不能完全取代电影。
2. screen n. 屏, 银幕, 筛子, 掩蔽物, 屏风 vt. 掩蔽, 包庇 It is bad for our eyes to stare long at the computer screen. 长时间盯着电脑屏幕对眼睛有害。
3. film n. 影片,电影(英),薄膜, 胶卷 vt. 拍电影 Where can we develop the film? 我们在哪儿可以冲胶卷?
4. movie move, 动, movie, 我“I”在动中,电影(美) Movies are a form of art. 电影是一种艺术形式。
5. scene [ si:n ] n.现场, 场面, 情景, 景色 How many scenes are the play made up of? 这部戏是由几个场景组成的?
6. scenery n. 风景, 景色 I enjoy both urban scenery and rural scenery. 我既喜欢城市风景,也喜欢乡村风光。
7. act n.& v. 表演,做事 Think before you act. 三思而后行。
8. actor n. 演员(男) Liu Dehua is not only a pop singer but also a good actor. 刘德华不仅是流行歌手,而且是位好演员。
9. actress n. 女演员 Zhang Bozhi, a famous actress from Hongkong, admitted that it’s much harder for a girl to fight out in the entertainment circle. 香港女演员张柏芝承认,在娱乐界女孩奋斗出头要困难得多。
10. director n. 导演,主任 I want to see the director of the factory. 我想见厂长。
11. theater n. 剧场, 戏院 The world is a large theater and every day both comedies and tragedies are going on continually. 世界大舞台,天天悲喜剧不断。
12. play [ plei ] n. 话剧,剧本 v. 玩, 扮演 Who will play the hero of the new play? 谁将出演新剧的主角?
13. opera n.歌剧 Few young people appreciate operas now. 现在欣赏歌剧的年青人很少。
14. stage (联想stand) n. 舞台, 活动场所, 发展的进程, 阶段或时期 Our school offers a stage for anyone who wants to show his abilities. 我们学校为每一位想展示才华的人提供了一个舞台。
Movies and plays have a lot in common: directors decide the actors and actresses to perform a story in a series of scenes. The differences lie in that movies need silver screens and cinemas as well as films while plays need stages and theaters.

The grand opera has really clicked with young people.


Sydney Opera House is a famous building around the world.

Set in the Yuan-Dynasty China, the opera created a beautiful yet obdurate princess named Turandot.


We go to the opera regularly.




栏    目:七年级上册 Unit9







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