七年级下册 Unit5

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activity 音标:[æk'tivəti]

n. 活动, 行动, 活跃, 活力【计】 活动【化】 活度; 活动性; 活力【医】 活动; 活动度; 活性; 效能【经】 产量折旧法, (经济)活动, 能动性, 作业活动
谐音:挨个提问题 这次活动是挨个提问题。
谐音:挨个提问题 这次活动是挨个提问题。
记忆方法:activi(= active)+ ty(名词后缀)
词根词缀记忆法:activity活动(act+ivity状态→活动状态),act=to do , to drive,表示“行动,做”
词根词缀记忆法:activity n 活动(act行动),“ivity”动词名词化
activity (考频:6)
②(pl.)(种种)活动:campus activities校园活动

  • activity后接where定语从句的用法与考题


    名词 activity 后有时可接where引导的定语从句,where大致相当于 in which。如:
    Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing. 那些失聪的成功舞蹈演员们认为,舞蹈是一种让人看胜过让人听的活动。
    1. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _________ sight matters more than hearing.
    A. when B. whose C. which D. where
    2. The leading edge is the part of an activity _________ the most modern and advanced equipment and metho查看详情更多>>
1. lazy [ 5leizi] adj. 懒惰的, 懒散的 A lazy bone has his luck. 懒人有懒福。
2. passive [ 5pAsiv ] adj. 被动的 We can’t be in such a passive state any more. 我们不能再这样消极了。
3. active [ 5Aktiv ] adj. 积极的 Liping often takes an active part in such an activity.李平经常积极参加这样的活动。
4. activity [ 5Ativiti ] n. 活动 Various abilities can be developed during activities. 在活动中各种各样的能力都可以得到发展。
Actually he is neither passive nor lazy. He is active. He acts as captain of the football team and takes actions quickly whenever necessary. He also take part in all kinds of activities after class.
N-UNCOUNT. 持久力;耐力;毅力. Stamina is the physical or mental energy needed to do a tiring activity for a long time.

Biological activity in a soil is influenced by soil acidity and nutrient status.


ADJ-GRADED. 危险的;有风险的. If an activity or action is risky, it is dangerous or likely to fail.
ADJ. 不容忽视的;不可避免的;必然发生的. If you describe a fact, situation, or activity as inescapable, you mean that it is difficult not to notice it or be affected by it.

It is important to health to have outdoor activities.


※The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers ,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him ,flings himself out into the midst of humanity ,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence...  最正常、最完美的人就是那彻底投身于自己最擅长的活动的人,是那完全献身于周围世界的人,是和群众打成一片的人。他完全专心致志于他对世界的有利作用,以致于几乎意识不到自己与世界还存在距离……  Frences E .C. Willard. American Social activist   美国社会活动家拉德,F。E。C。  
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    发布人:zhuojingui  发布时间:发布时间:2012-03-18 18:10:33




栏    目:七年级下册 Unit5







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