八年级上册 ReviewUnit1-6

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wheel 音标:[wi:l]

n. 轮子, 车轮, 轮, 方向盘, 旋转, 机构, 重要人物vt. 使旋转, 转动, 使转向vi. 旋转, 转弯, 盘旋【医】 轮
分析 1:wh --- “晚会”的首字母 ee --- 两只鹅 l --- 象一根棍子
1. round [ raund ] adj. 圆的, 球形的 The child's round face reminded him of his young brother. 孩子圆圆的脸蛋使他想起了他的弟弟。
2. square [ skwZE ] adj. 正方形的, 四方的, 直角的 They have just completed a square house. 他们刚刚修完了一座方形的房子。
3. rectangle [ 5rektAN^l] rect(直的)-angle(角) n. 长方形, 矩形 The surface of our desk is a rectangle. 我们的课桌表面是长方形的。
4. oval [ 5EuvEl]  adj. 卵形的, 椭圆的 The egg is usually oval. 蛋通常是椭圆形的。
5. wheel [ wi:l, hw- ] n. 轮, 车轮, 轮子 The car carries two spare wheels. 车子带有两个备用轮子。
6. ring [ riN ]  n. 环, 环形物 He bought her a diamond ring to prove his love. 他为她买了一枚钻戒来证明他的爱。
7. roundabout [ 5raundEbaut ] adj. 迂回的, 转弯抹角的 All the cars took a roundabout route to the final line during the race. 在比赛中所有的赛车都迂回行驶到终点线。
8. around [ E5raund ]  adv. 周围, 大约 prep. 在. . . 周围, 四处 There are around 40 cars participating the race. 大约有四十辆车参加了比赛。
9. surround [ sE5raund ] sur-round vt. 包围 v. 围绕 The winner was surrounded with the reporters. 胜者被记者包围起来了。
10. surroundings [sE5raJndINz] n. 环境  When the surroundings are polluted, no one can live a healthy life. 如果环境被污染了,没有人都过上健康的生活。
11. environment [ in5vaiErEnmEnt ] environ-ment n. 环境 Every one of us must have a sense of environment. 我们每个人都必须有环境意识。
12. dimension [ di5menFEn ] A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length n. 尺度, 维(数), 度(数), 元 Flash can help design wonderful cartoons of two dimensions Flash软件有助于设计精彩的平面动画。
13. 3D 三维,立体 3D cartoons are developing rapidly. 三维动画发展得很快。
The waste wheels from the cars and broken rings that ladies threw around will be carried across the square to the surrounding hills. It will damage the environment there. I think we’d better dig a deep round hole and bury them.

Son: Mum, when do I have my birthday?
Mum: June 15.
Son: How about you?
Mum: June 10.
Son: Then, five days later you gave birth to me?

Bilateral wheel group is a small lifting appliances.


This toothed wheel should be meshed with that one.


Illustration depicting a sighting of a burning wheel in the year 900 over Japan.


Clad in a *smoking jacket1 in his licentious Los Angeles mansion, Hugh Hefner bragged: "The three great inventions of civilization were fire, the wheel and Playboy.


She had to turn the wheels sharply to avoid the dog.


※Put (or Lay or Set) one's shoulder to the wheel. 出一把力。
※Habit is the fly-wheel of civilization. 习惯是文明的飞轮。
※The worst wheel of the cart creaks most. 最差的车轮吱嘎声最大。
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    发布人:peggyhsu  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-16 14:35:09

    联想方式:wh 为何 ee 两只鹅 l 拉记忆方法:为何那两只鹅在拉着车轮



栏    目:八年级上册 ReviewUnit1-6







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