高中必修三 Unit2

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栏目:高中必修三 Unit2|点击:
pea 音标:[pi:]

n. 豌豆, 似豌豆的东西
分析 2:“屁”的谐音。
记忆 2:吃了豌豆就会放屁。

  • The Princess and the Pea 公主与豌豆

    The Princess and the Pea 公主与豌豆

    Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess—she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
    One evening a查看详情更多>>
1. tea n. 茶(叶), 茶树 茶水; 饮料 Usually people in China drink tea rather than coffee. 在中国人们经常喝茶而不是喝咖啡。
2. team [ ti:m ] n. 队, 组 We shall form a football team. Will you be interested?我们要组建一支足球队。你有兴趣吗?
3. term [ tE:m ] n. 学期, 期限, 条款, 术语 We have learned scores of botanical terms this term. 我们这学期学习了几十个植物术语。
4. tear vt. 扯, 撕, 撕破 [ tiE ] n. 眼泪 Seeing the girl’s tears, he was so regretful that he tore the letter into pieces. 他看到女孩的眼泪,很后悔,便把那封信撕成了碎片。
5. teach [ ti:tF ] v. 讲授, 教授 Miss Gao teaches us English this term.高老师这学期教我们英语。 格言:Teaching others teaches yourself.教学相长。
6. sea n. 海 When you are blue, go to see the broad sea. 当你郁闷时候,对看看辽阔的大海吧。
7. pea [ pi: ] n. 豌豆 The peas we sowed are growing very well. 我们播下的豌豆长势很好。
This term he teaches the sailing team how to make tea. Then they can have some drink instead of bursting into tears when they want tea at sea.

They plant pea in the field.


※Cast not your pearls before swine. 明珠莫投暗。
※Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。
※Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。
※He knows enough that can live and hold his peace. 见多识广者沈默寡言。
※He that would live in peace and rest must hear and see, and say the best. 要想太太平平,生活安定,必须耳聪目明,善言动听。
※He who cannot hold his peace will never live at ease. 嘴巴不紧,生活不宁。
※He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep). 欲寻珍珠,须潜水下。
※If you wish for peace, be prepared for war. 想要和平,必须备战。
※In moderating, not satisfying, desires, lies peace. 节欲不纵情,心情得安宁。
※In time of peace prepare for war. 居安思危。
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    发布人:lxw924520  发布时间:发布时间:2011-05-19 14:14:19


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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:44



栏    目:高中必修三 Unit2







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