高中必修三 Unit5

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buffet 音标:['bʌfit]

n. 自助餐, 小卖部, 碗橱, 殴打, 冲击vt. 连续打, 冲击, 搏斗vi. 奋斗
谐音:不菲 自助餐价格不菲。
1. eat 吃;beat 吃打,To strike repeatedly 打(强调反复性),击败,心跳 With the heart beating quickly, he was eager to beat his rival. 他心跳得很快,渴望能打败对手。
2. hit it, 它;hit,打在迁上面, 打(强调打中了),To come into contact with forcefully 撞上 A stone hit him on the head and he was hurried to the nearest hospital. 他头中了一块石头,被匆忙里送进了最近的医院。
3. strike To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon重打,(钟)敲,擦(火柴),罢工 An terrible earthquake struck the area just after the clock struck twelve. 时钟刚打十二点,一场可怕的地震摇撼了这个地区。
4. buffet To hit or beat, especially repeatedly or forcefully. v. 打击, 搏斗 Strong winds buffet the ship from time to time. 狂风时不时里搏打着航船。
5. heat h, 联想hot, heat, n. & adj. 热, 加热 We heated the water with the heat from some dry leaves. 我们用干树叶发出的热来热水。
6. 加形容词后缀-ed, heated adj. 热烈的 His suggestion is under heated discussion. 他的建设正在热烈讨论之中。
7. temper心情,脾气;temperature n.温度 I will take your temperature to see if you have caught a fever. 我要为你量量体温,看看你是否发烧。
8. fever f-ever 发,一直发热,fever, n. 发烧 Among some young people there some kind of fever one after another. 年轻人总有一个又一个的狂热举动。
9. cold n.冷,感冒 Be careful not to catch a cold in such cold weather. 在这样冷的天气里要当心感冒。
10. cool adj. 凉的,酷的 Dressed in a strange way, he thought he must look very cool in others’ eyes. 他穿着古怪,自以为在别人眼中很酷。
11. warm adj. 暖和的,温暖的 I felt quite warm when you gave me your warm hand.当你热情地帮助我时,我感到特别温暖。
12. warn vt. 告诫,警告 I was warned not to follow the fashion. 我被告诫不要去追逐时尚。
It’s warned that no one could make a fire. With the heart beating fast, he stroke a match. The heat began to warm him. After all, a bad luck hit him, and he caught a bad cold. Taking his temperature, he knew he also had a fever, which was no cool at all!

I see you have a buffet. How much is it?




栏    目:高中必修三 Unit5

下一篇:in the distance什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义






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