高中选修六 Unit1

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value 音标:['vælju:d]

n. 价值, 价格, 购买力, 评价, 估价, 计算结果vt. 评价, 估价, 重视【计】 计算结果【医】 价值, 价, 值【经】 价值, 价格, 估价相关词组: set a high value on one's time out to value pay full value for sth
谐音:外流 外流国宝的价值难以估价。
1. value [ 5vAlju:, -ju ] n. 价值 vt. 珍惜, 评价, 重视 No one can tell the exact value of love. 没有人能准确说出爱的价值。格言: If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. 值得做就要好好做。
2. evaluate [ i5vAljueit ] vt. 评价, 估计 The house is evaluated to be worth three million yuan. 这房子估价三百万。
3. assess [ E5ses ] To determine the value, significance vt. 估定, 评定 The school will assess every teacher’s work at the end of each school year. 每学年末学校都要评估每位老师的工作。
4. assessment [ E5sesmEnt] n. 评估, 评估的款额 [税额],看法 What is your assessment of the situation?你对形势有什么看法?
5. valuable [ 5vAljuEbl ] adj. 贵重的, 有价值的 I find his advice valuable. 我觉得他的建议有价值。
6. valueless adj. 不足道的 What they found was just some valueless coins. 他们发现的只是一些没什么价值的硬币。
7. invaluable [ in5vAljuEbl] adj. 无价的, 价值无法衡量的 Devotion is invaluable. 爱的无价的。
8. priceless [ 5praislis ] adj. 无价的, 极贵重的 Actually, Mona lisa by Da Vincy is priceless. 实际上,达芬奇画的《蒙娜丽莎》是无价之宝。
9. precious [ 5preFEs ] adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的 Gold is a kind of precious metal. 黄金是一干贵重金属。
10. worth [ wE:W ] n. 价值, 财产 adj. 值钱的, 值……的 be worth doing值得做 Love those who are worth loving. 要爱那些值得爱的人。
11. worthy [ 5wE:Ti ] adj. 有价值的, 应. . . 的, 可敬的, 值得的 I don’t think such a fashion girl worthy of being loved.我认为这样的时尚女孩并不值得爱。 be worthy to be done 或be worthy of being done值得做
12. worthwhile [ 5wE:T5(h)wail ] adj. 值得做的, 值得出力的 It’s worthwhile that we spent so much time helping the trapped panda. 我们花那么多的时间救受困的大熊猫是值得的。
13. worthless [5w\:WlIs] adj. 无价值的, 无益的 Not all the waste is worthless. Some can be recycled. 并非所有的废物都没有价值。一些东西可以再回收。
14. treasure [ 5treVE ] n. 财宝, 财富, 珍品 vt. 珍爱, 珍惜 Treasure real friendship and make real friends. 珍惜真正的友谊,交真正的朋友。
15. jewel [ 5dVu:El ] n. 宝石 The jewels he discovered made him rich overnight.他发现的珠宝使他一夜暴富。
16. jewelry [5dVu:ElrI] n. 宝石(总称,不可数名词) Later, he ran a jewelry shop in New York. 后来,他在纽约开了一家珠宝店。
Friendship is worth valuing. I think it is more valuable than any precious jewel. It’s priceless. It is worthy to be called most invaluable treasure in our life.

Which do you value more--the economy or the environment?

例句: Washington responded by freezing the price of domestic oil .
例句: My value for domestic tranquility should much exceed theirs .

What are High Conservation Value Forests?


And I do value your contribution.


A valued life is one that is looked upon as a gift.


※It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow.——Irvng Washington, Father of literature of the United States. 让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。美国文学之父 华盛顿. I.
※What moral character do you value most? ---Simplicity. 你最珍贵的品德是什么?----朴素.
※The value of culture is its effect on character . It  avails nothing unless it  ennobles and strengthens that ,Its use is for life, Its aim is not beauty but goodness.Somerset Maugham, British noverlist and  dramatist文化的价值在于它对人类品性的影响。除非文化能使品性变为高尚、有力。文化的作用在于裨益人生,它的目标不是美,而是善。英国小说家和戏剧家  毛姆 S
※If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some, for the that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. 欲知金钱价,不妨把钱借;借钱味难尝,使人心悲伤。


栏    目:高中选修六 Unit1







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