高中必修二 Unit4

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loss 音标:[lɔs]

n. 损失, 遗失, 失败, 输, 错过, 伤亡【化】 损失; 损耗【医】 损失【经】 跌势, 损失, 亏损相关词组: throw sb for a loss be a dead loss at a loss sell sth at a loss for a loss be at an utter loss what to do
1. lose [ lu:z ] v. 遗失, 输去, 失去, 迷路, 沉溺于 You can’t lose yourself in the MUD. 你不能沉溺于网络游戏里。 lose sth/sb lose one’s way迷路 lose weight减肥
2. loser [ 5lu:zE ] n. 失主, 失败者 Only the final result can tell who ever is the loser. 只有最后的结果才能判断究竟谁才是输家。
3. loss [ lCs ] n. 损失, 遗失, 失败 The storm caused heavy loss to the city.这场暴雨使城市损失惨重。 格言: One man's loss is another man's gain. 有人失,有人得。
4. lost [ lCst ] adj. 失去的, 迷路的 Lost in thought, he knew nothing about what were happening outside. 他陷入沉思中,对外面发生的事一无所知。 be lost in thought 陷入沉思
5. miss [ mis ] vt. 未得到, 思念, 错过 I don’t want to miss such a chance again.我不想再次错过这样的机会了。
6. dismiss [ dis5mis ] vt. 解散, 下课, 开除 You can’t dismiss me for no reason. 你不能无缘无故地解聘我。
7. missing [ 5misiN ] adj. 不见的, 缺少的 The scientists hope to find the missing link between apes and humans.科学家们希望找到猿与人之间的一环。
8. gone [ ^Cn, ^C:n] adj. 离去的, 死去的, 用光的 We can’t regret the things gone with the wind.我们不能后悔那些随风而去的事情。
If you find the train is gone, you have missed the chance to join in the expedition. If you go by yourself, you may lose your way and get lost in the forest. It’s very difficult to find anyone missing there, so please accept the loss of the chance and never run the risk alone.

He cried about the loss of the football game.

I'm at a loss what to do next.


Once Europe's biggest carmaker,Fiat is now in crisis after sales at its car arm Fiat Auto tumbled,pushing the group into loss and raising concerns about its debt.


She suffered a large loss when the price of her house went down.


※No great loss without some small gain. 塞翁失马,安知非福。
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    发布人:yuanhuixxx  发布时间:发布时间:2013-03-10 14:34:46

    联想方式:l0=10 ss=一对虫它记忆方法:他损失10对蛇



栏    目:高中必修二 Unit4







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