七年级上册 Unit5

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a. 唯一的, 仅有的, 最佳的ad. 只有, 仅仅, 只能conj. 但是, 不过相关词组: only just only not only that only too only if if only not only...but also...
  • 状语only doing sth 与 only to do sth的区别

    He went out of the room with few clothes on, only feeling rather cold. 他出去时衣穿得很少,渐渐地感到有些冷了。
    I arrived at the shop only to find I'd left all my money at home. 我到商店却发现钱全放在家里。
    He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。
    I arrived at the shop only to find I'd left all my money at home. 我到商店却发现钱全落在家了。
    His opposition served only to streng查看详情更多>>
1. one [ wQn] pron.一个人, 任何人, 一方 num.一, 一个 We have but one life.我们只有一次生命。
2. once [ wQns ] n. & adv. 一次, 从前, 曾经 conj. 一旦 She is so charming that once you see her, you will never forget her.她太迷人了,你一见了她就忘不了她。
3. only [ 5Eunli ] one加-ly, adj. 唯一的, 单独的, adv. 仅仅, 只不过 Today most of the children are the only child in their families.今天多数孩子都是家中的独生子。
4. merely [ 5miEli ] adv. 仅仅, 只, 不过 That is merely a small mistake. Don’t make a fuss about it. 那只是一个小错误,不要大惊小怪。
5. none [ nQn ] pron. 一个也没有 - How many pupils went swimming yesterday? – None.昨天有多少学生去游泳?一个也没有。
6. alone [ E5lEun ] adj. 单独的, 独一无二的, 独自的 adv. 独自地 Leave me alone! 别管我!
7. lonely [ 5lEunli ] 一个人的,adj. 孤独的, 寂寞的, 偏僻的 I am often alone, but I am never lonely.我经常一个人,但我并不孤独。
8. honest [ 5Cnist ] 表里如一的,adj.诚实的, 正直的 The boy can be trusted. He has always been honest.那男孩可以信赖,他总是很诚实。
A man alone is not always lonely. Only the one who is merely interested in himself will be lonely. No one likes him. At least none of us likes him. Once we realize it, we will keep away from him.

He types with only two fingers.


Blood sugar isn't the only issue, diabetes experts agree.


Its best-selling "Shoebox" line reduced its production time to only three months.


I'm trying to eat a diet of only fruits and vegetables.

I guess I am the only one left still looking for a job.


※There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 世界上只有两种力量∶刀和笔;而其结果,后者总是战胜前者。
※No possession, but use, is the only riches. 真正的财富不是占有,而是使用。
※The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work 成功先于工作的唯一地方是在字典里. 注:字典里字母S先于W." "
※Courage is a virtue only so far as it is directed by prudence. 勇敢只有由审慎指导才能成为美德.
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:40



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