九年级全册 Unit2

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even though什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、释义

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even though 音标:['i:vn ðəu]

虽然, 尽管
  • even if / even though/ though

    三者都可以引导让步状语从句。Even if 与even though一般可以换用,意为“即使、纵然”,引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握我大的事情,有时动词可用虚拟语气;though 意思是“虽然”,引出的从句叙述的是事实。如:

    ① He won’t tell me about it though he knows the news 虽然他知道这个消息但他不愿意告诉我。(他是肯定知道的)

    ② He won’t tell me about it even if / though he knows the news 即使他知道这个消息,但他不愿意告诉我。(他对消息或知或我知,句子含有一定的推测意味)

    ③ I will try even if I may fail. 即使失败,我也要尝试一下。

    ④ Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。

    [注] though 和but 不能同时出现在句中。

even if/even though/though

Nothing could have saved him even if he had been tended without delay.即使当时他得到及时的救护,也救不了他的生命。
Even though you are not lifting anything,your muscle gets tired.即使没有举着什么东西,你的肌肉也会感到疲劳。
Though there were a lot of difficulities,they managed to make the waste water clean.尽管有许多困难,他们还是设法把废水净化了。
<辨析>三者都可以引导让步状语从句。even if 与 even though 一般可以换用,意为“即使”、“纵然”,引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握不大的事情,有时动词可用虚拟语气,如例1)。though 意思是“虽然”,引出的从句说的是事实。试比较:He won't tell me about it though he knows the news.虽然他知道这个消息,但他不愿告诉我。(他是肯定知道这个消息的。)He won't tell me about it even if (though) he knows the news.即使他知道这个消息,他也不愿告诉我。(他对消息可能知道,也可能不知道,句子含有一定的推测意味。)

I love my pet goat even though it eats everything.

Special sun visor make you play games at your pleasure even though the light is very strong.


Bill grudged Dick his prize even though he had won a better prize himself.


He's the best teacher even though he has the least experience.

虽然他经验最少, 但教得最好。


上一篇:no longer什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏    目:九年级全册 Unit2


本文标题:even though什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义





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