五年级下册 Unit5

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mine 音标:[mine]

n. 矿, 矿藏, 地雷vt. 挖掘, 开采, 在...布雷, 破坏vi. 开矿, 埋设地雷pron. 我的【经】 矿山
联想方式:mi—米 ne—呢
联想方式:mi—米 ne—呢
  • of me还是of mine

    of me还是of mine

    如果是表示所有关系,通常要用of mine,不用of me。如以下各例中的of mine不能改为of me:
    He is a near relation of mine. 他是我的近亲。
    The book is a great favorite of mine. 这本书是我最喜欢读的。
    I met an old friend of mine on my way home. 在我回家的路上碰到一位老朋友。
    如果不是表示所有关系,可以根据句式的需要使用of me。如:
    Mr Smith will go instead of me. 史密斯先生将代我去。
    It was foolish of me to forget. 我真蠢,竟然忘记了。
    He inquired of me the way to the post office. 他问我去邮局怎么走。
    类似地,表示所有关系时,我们用…of his, …of hers, …of ours, …of yours等,一般不说…of him, …of her,查看详情更多>>
1. chief [ tFi:f ] Most important or influential n.首领, 领袖, 酋长, 长官 adj. 主要的, 首席的 Who is the chief editor of China Daily? 谁是中国日报的主编?
2. chef [ Fef ] n. 厨师 A chef is an expert at cooking. 厨师是烹饪方面的专家。
3. thief [ Wi:f ] n. 小偷, 贼 Stop the thief! Stop the thief!抓贼啊!抓贼啊
4. theft [ Weft ] n. 偷, 行窃, 偷窃行为 A theft of a needle in childhood may lead to a theft of gold when grown up.小时偷针,长大偷金。
5. burglar [ 5bE:^lE ] n. 夜贼 The house is equipped with burglar alarms.这房子安装有防盗警报。
6. brief [ bri:f ] n. 摘要, 大纲 adj. 简短的 Here is a brief introduction to our products.这是我们的产品的简介。
7. main [ mein ] Most important; principal adj. 主要的, 重要的 The main points in her speech is that teenagers should have a sense of duty and patriotism.她演讲的要点是年轻人应该有责任感和爱国主义感。
8. prime [ praim ] First in degree, rank, time, order, value and so on. adj. 主要的, 最初的 prime minister 首相 The prime minister visited a primary school yesterday.首相昨天参观了一所小学。
9. primary [ 5praimEri] adj. 第一位的, 初步的, 初级的, 原来的, 根源的 In my opinion, the right of existence is primary.在我看来,生存权是第一位的。
10. primitive [ 5primitiv ] adj. 原始的, 粗糙的, 简单的 The story dates back to the primitive times.故事追溯到远古时候。
11. premier [ 5premjE, -miE ] adj. 第一的, 首要的 n. 总理 Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Europe has improved the bilateral relation and cooperation.温家宝到欧洲的访问改善了双边关系及相互合作。
12. major [ 5meidVE ] Greater than others in importance or number adj. 主修的,严重的,多的 vi. 主修 English is my major course in university.英语是我在大学时的主修课程。
13. majority [ mE5dVCriti ] n. 多数, 大半 The majority of the villager agreed that they shouldn’t develop their economy at the cost of the environment.多数村民同意他们发展经济不能以牺牲环境作为代价。
14. minor [ 5mainE ] adj. 较小的, 次要的 They are just minor problems.他们只是一些小问题。
15. minority [ mai5nCriti, mi- ] n. 少数, 少数民族 It’s our duty to preserve the colorful culture of the minorities.保存好少数民族的的彩文化是我们的责任。
16. mine [ main ] n. 矿井, 地雷, 水雷 vt. 开采, 在...布雷 vi. 开矿, 埋设地雷pron.我的 When can we see no accidents in coal mines?我们何时看不到煤矿有事故?
17. miner [ 5mainE] n. 矿工 The miners can’t bleed in vain.矿工的血不会白流。
18. mineral [ 5minErEl ] n. 矿物, 矿石 More people prefer mineral water. 更多的人喜欢矿泉水。
The chief editor told his main reporters in brief words that the majority of the miners were kind though there was a minority of them acted as thieves. The major stories should cover their kindness and their hard work for a better life.
Husband: It's said that the prices of eight kinds of food have gone up. But why it costs me more to take a bath?
Wife: Because you belong to flesh!

Your car is similar to mine .


Yes. A friend of mine told me you have a vacant apartment.


He is a colleague of mine at the bank.


The type of mine geology hazard relate to mine scale, way of exploitation, mineral type and the area.


This is my book. It's mine.


※There are only two families in the world, as a grandmother of mine used to say, the haves and the have-nots.——Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist  正如我的一位祖母说过的那样,这个世界上只有两家人:那就是富人和穷人。西班牙小说家塞万提斯.M.  
※So much is mine as I enjoy. 我所有的就如我享有的这么多。
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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:42



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