四年级下册 Unit3

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cloudy 音标:['klaʊdɪ]

a. 多云的, 有愁容的, 云的, 浑浊的【建】 (混)浊的
记忆方法: cloud的形容词形式。
1. cloud  [klaJd] n.云 vt. 以云遮敝, 使黯然 Look! The dark clouds are gathering. 看!乌云越来越多了!
2. cloudy  [5klaJdI] adj. 多云的, 阴天的, 阴沉 What a day! It’s another cloudy day. 真糟!又是一个阴天。
3. sun n.太阳, 阳光 vt. 晒 Don’t read in the sun. It’s most silly under the sun. 不要在阳光下看书。这是世上的傻事。
4. sunny adj. 阳光充足的, 照耀的, 快乐的 They are sunny boys. 他们是群快乐的男孩。
5. shine v. 照耀, 发光 vt. 擦亮 n. 光泽, 光亮 He will be a shining star sooner or later.他迟早会成为一颗闪耀的明星。
6. wind n.风 v. 绕, 缠 Cold comes with the north wind. 北风呼啸,寒冷来到。
7. windy adj. 有风的 Close the window. It’s windy outside.请关上窗子。外面有风。
8. window wind-ow通风的地方,window, n. 窗口 Tickets are sold at No. 5 window.五号窗口售票。
9. rain n. 雨, 下雨, 雨天 vi. 下雨 The heavy rain stopped us going on a trip. 由于大雨,我们 没有去旅游。
10. rainy adj. 有雨的 I hate rainy days when I have to stay at home. 格言: Prepare for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。
11. umbrella  [Qm5brelE] um-bre-lla n. 雨伞 An umbrella can make your walk in the rain romantic. 一把雨伞可以让你感到雨中散步的浪漫。
12. snow n. 雪,vi. 下雪 Heavy snow suggests a rich harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。
13. snowy adj. 下雪的 The wrong suffered by Dou E brought a snowy June. 窦娥蒙冤,六月飞雪。
14. fog n. 雾 What a thick fog we came across! 我们遭遇了一很好大的雾啊!
15. foggy adj. 有雾的,模糊的 Drive slowly in a foggy day. 雾天驾驶要慢点。
16. frost n. 霜 When can you see frost?你什么时候看到霜?
17. frosty  [5frRstI] adj. 有霜的,, (头发)灰白的 The frosty hair showed that the old man was weather-beaten. 灰白的头发表明老人饱经风霜。
In London you may experience all sorts of weather in a single day: it is foggy at the beginning; but before long dark clouds come and then heavy snow begins to fall down. A moment later, a wind blows the clouds away and the sun shines brightly. If you think you can be relaxed, you are mistaken. Clouds gather from nowhere and soon it becomes a rainy day. If you go out without an umbrella, you may become a drowned rat!

TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake.
SAMMY: You can't fool me, Teacher... snakes don't have feet.

It's cloudy today, so you can't see the sun.

The sky is cloudy.


※Cloudy mornings turn to clear evenings. 早见云雾晚见晴。


栏    目:四年级下册 Unit3







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