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railway 音标:['reɪlweɪ]

n. 铁路, 轨道【经】 铁路
1. path [pAT] n. 小道,踏出的径或路 There is a path leading to the top of the hill.有条小路通向山顶。
2. way [ wei ] n. 路, 路线, 路途 On the way home, I came across an old friend of mine.在回家路上我偶然遇到我的一个老朋友。
3. road [ rEud ] n. 路, 道路, 公路, 大道 All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。
4. street [ stri:t] n. 街, 街道 Look right and left before crossing the street.过马路前要左右看。
5. alley n. 巷 You’d better not drive the car into the alley.你最好不要把车开进那个巷子。
6. avenue [ 5Avinju: ] n. 林荫道, 大街, 路 It’s pleasant to take a walk in the avenue.在林荫道里散散步是令人惬意的。
7. pavement [ 5peivmEnt ] n. 人行道, 公路 So many people! That must be a pavement. 那么多人!那一定是条人行道。
8. highway [ 5haiwei ] n. 公路, 大路 If we want to develop our economy, we must build a highway to connect our village to the world outside.如果我们要发展经济的话,我们就得修一条连接我们的村庄和外面的世界的公路。
9. freeway [5fri:weI] n. 高速公路 Taking a freeway will shorten the time on the road.走高速公路会缩短路上的时间。
10. railway [ 5reilwei ] n. [英] 铁道, 铁路 We are constructing a railway into Tibet.我们正在修建一条进入西藏的铁路。
11. track [ trAk ] n. 轨迹, 车辙, 足迹, 路 The tracks in the road suggested a team of cars had passed before us.路上的轨迹表明有一个车队在我们之前过去了。
12. subway [ 5sQbwei] sub-way n. 地道, <美> 地铁 Chengdu is planning to construct a subway to reduce the traffic jams.成都正计划修建一条地铁来减少交通堵塞。
There are kinds of ways: a path for you to walk anywhere, a road for you or the car to follow, a highway for cars, a free way or expressway for your car to run at a very high speed, a street on whose two sides stands shops or houses, an avenue for you to enjoy space when driving, a freeway for you to drive with a high speed, a railway for a train and a subway for a train to runs underground. Track? Yes, there are signs that someone or some car has gone through it.

Traveling by railway is fast and cheap.

This railway is an important connection between Tibet and outside.

A railway track is a perfect example of parallel lines.

His school is near the railway station.


His school is near the railway station.


※Smokers and nonsmokers can not be equally free in the same railway carriage.——Ceorge Bernard shw. British dramatist.  吸烟者和不吸烟者在同一节车厢里无法享受同样的自由。英国剧作家 肖伯纳,.G.  


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