六年级上册 Unit1

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turn 音标:[tɜ:n]

n. 转弯, 转动, 旋转, 翻转, 一圈, 顺次, 改动, 变化, 性格, 特色, 形状, 转折vt. 使旋转, 转弯, 转动, 使转向, 驱赶, 阻挡, 兑换, 改写, 使作对, 绕过, 使流通vi. 转动, 转弯, 转向, 翻转, 回转, 改变, 转身, 变成, 变质, 晕眩, 易脱手【医】 转; 转变; 倒转(胎)【经】 转为相关词组: turn one's hand to turn one's stomach do sb a good turn do sb a bad turn at every turn call the turn turn to the left in the turn of a hand in turn not do a hand's turn on the turn out of turn serve sb's turn serve the turn to a turn a good turn to the turn of a hair turn about turn and turn about turn aside turn away turn sb away turn back turn back to turn in turn oneself in turn inside out turn into turn loose turn off turn sb off turn sth on turn on sb turn sb on turn out turn out sth turn out to be turn out to do turn out well turn sth over turn over turn round turn to sb for help turn to a task turn up sth turn up doing turn up turn upside down turn the facts upside down not turn a hair
  • be,become,get和turn的用法区别

    1. be表示“成为”时,多用于将来时、祈使句或不定式。如:
    I would like to be a bus-driver.
    My younger sister wants to be a movie star.
    2. become多指身份、职位等的变化,强调变化的过程已经完成,后面可接名词或形容词。如:
    Later the boy became an artist.
    Her mother became angry when she heard the news.
    3. get多用于口语,表示一种变化过程,强调的是“渐渐变得”,后常接形容词的比较级。如:
    It's getting darker and darker outside.
    In winter the days get shorter.
    4. turn指在颜色和性质等方面与以前的完全不同,强调变化的结果。如:
    Leaves turned brown in the mountains.
rotate/ revolve/ roll/ spin/ turn/ whirl/ circle

rotate 侧重指物体围绕自己的轴或中心旋转,即自转。
revolve 强调指物体围绕本身以外的中心旋转,即公转。
roll 指某物在平面上滚动或翻滚。
spin 指沿内轴迅速而连续旋转,或沿外部一个点作快速圆周运转。
turn 普通用词,中性,含义不确切,可指作一个圆周运动或连续地作圆周运动,也可指仅是沿圆的弧形转动。
whirl 指旋转或作圆周运动,侧重急速或力量。
circle 指作圆周运动。

If I kiss the frog, will it turn into a prince?

When I am in difficulty, I always turn to him for help.


Press the button to turn off the computer.

You need a remote to turn on the air conditioner.

Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing.


※The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse. ( J. Renard )——    唯一真正自由的人是能够拒绝宴会的邀请而不用提出理由的人。(勒纳尔)
※The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse .  唯一真正自由的人是能够拒绝宴会的邀请,而不用找借口的人。  Jules Renard. French playwriter and novelist    法国剧作家、小说家勒纳尔.J.  
※Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的宫殿。
※One good turn deserves another. 以德报德。


栏    目:六年级上册 Unit1





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