九年级全册 Unit8

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set 音标:[set]

n. 日落, 同伙, 组合, 集合, 装置vt. 放, 安置, 放置, 设定, 使凝结, 点燃, 确定, 点缀, 使就位, 树立, 分配, 调整vi. 日落, 凝固, 定型, 搁住, 结果, 适合a. 决心的, 规定的, 故意的, 持久的, 固定的, 老套的, 准备好的【计】 设置; DOS内部命令:改变或显示分配给环境变量的值【化】 凝结; 套; 组; 装置; 机组【医】 凝固; 套【经】 组; 创相关词组: set one's affections on sth set sb's heart at rest set sb's heart at ease set one's house in order set sb to a task set someone's teeth on edge set store by set the pace set to rights set to work set sail be all set be set in one's ways be dead set on having one's own way be hard set set apart set sth aside set at set sth back set sb back sth set before set by set sth down set sb down set forth set forward set in set in motion set little by set light by set off set sth off set off sth set sb off doing set on set oneself against set oneself up as set out set sth out set over set to set up set up for set sb up as sth set a watch set the watch set one's affections on sb
1. shut [ FQt ] n. 关上, 闭上, 关闭 Shutting the door, she felt a little relieved. 把门关上后,她松了一口气。
2. shuttle [ 5FQtl ] n. 往返汽车(列车、飞机), 航天飞机, 梭子 The space shuttle can take humans into space. 航天飞机可以把人带入太空。
3. set [ set ] v. 放, 置 The farmer set a fence post near the gate. 那农民在大门附近安置了栅栏柱子。
4. settle [ 5setl ] vt. 安放, 使定居 I have decided to settle my family there.我已决定把家安在那里。
5. cat [ kAt] n. 猫 The cat eats more than rats. 猫不仅仅吃老鼠。
6. cattle [ 5kAtl ] n. 牛 He raised a large group of cattle on the farm. 他在农场上养了一大群牛。
7. bat [ bAt, bB:t] n. 蝙蝠, 球棒 Pass the bat to me and I will hit the ball into the hole. 把球拍给我,我会把球打入洞中。
8. battle [ 5bAtl] n. 作战, 战斗 The old lady lost her son in the fierce battle. 在激烈的战斗中,老太太失去了儿子。
The astronaut shut the door of the shuttle and set out to settle the battle among the bat, cat and cattle in the capsule of the shuttle.
Tom finished writing " I am lazy and naughty" a hundred times, and took it to his father, saying, " Dad, the teacher said you must sign your name behind it."

They set one man apart from the rest.

Many girls own a set of makeups.

be trapped in 陷入 ⋯⋯ 中 be trapped 陷入困境,被困住
例句: The police set a trap to catch the murderer .

He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.


I set the flowers on the table.


※A match will set fire to a large building. 星星之火,可以燎原。
※We must set the example but that doesn't mean we must follow it. 我们必须树立起榜样,但这并不意味着我们必须照办。
※Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances.——Leonhard Frand ,German novelist我可以拿走人的任何东西,但有一样东西不行,这就是在特定环境下选择自己的生活态度的自由。德国小说家  弗兰克  L


栏    目:九年级全册 Unit8

下一篇:ask for什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义






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