高中必修一 Unit5

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legal 音标:['li:ɡl]

a. 法律的, 法定的, 合法的【经】 法定权利; 法律(上)的, 合法的
谐音:理够 法律的要求是你一定要理够。
记忆方法: 腿上都是法律的图案。
词根词缀记忆法:legal a 法律的(leg+al),leg,legis=law,表示“法律”
legal (考频:21)
a.①法律的,法定的(≠lawful):a legal adviser一位法律顾问
②合法的,正当的(=lawful):Who’s the legal owner of the property?谁是这笔财产的合法拥有者?

1. law [ lC:] n. 法律 Whether you accept the law or not, you have no choice but to obey it. 无论你认可法律与否,你都只能遵守它。
2. lawyer [ 5lC:jE ] n. 律师 As a lawyer, he must make sure law is carried out fairly. 作为律师,他一定要保证法律得以公正执行。
3. judge [ dVQdV ] n. 法官, 裁判员 vt. 审理, 鉴定, 判断 Who will judge the next case? 谁将审理下个案子? judging by(或from)根据. . . 来判断
4. judgment [ 5dVQdVmEnt ] n. 审判, 判决, 判断力 What a wise judgment he has made!他作出了多么英明的判决啊!
5. prejudice [ 5predVudis ] n. 偏见 Any prejudice is harmful. 任何偏见都是有害的。
6. court [ kC:t ] n. 法院, 庭院 The highest court made the final judgment. 最高法院作出了终审判决。
7. trial [ 5traiEl ] n. 试验, 考验, 审讯, 审判 The trial over Saddam Hussein was said to be held by the Iraqis. 据说对萨达姆的审判将由伊拉克人进行。
8. witness [ 5witnis ] n. 目击者, 见证人 Some witnesses of the accident were present at the court. 一些车祸的目击者出庭作证。
9. sentence [ 5sentEns] vt.宣判, 判决 The defendant was sentenced to three-year imprisonment.被告被判处三年监禁。 sentence sb. to death判决某人死刑
10. crime [ kraim ] n. 犯罪 Who answered for the crime that thousands of civilians were killed?谁对成千上万的平民死亡负责?
11. criminal [ 5kriminl ] n. 罪犯 Who is the real criminal of the war?谁是战争的真正罪犯?
12. discrimination [ dis7krimi5neiFEn ] dis-crimin-ation n. 区别,歧视 It’s reported that the deep-rooted discrimination in their culture led to the prison abuses. 据报道,他们文化中的根深蒂固的种族歧视导致了虐囚行为的发生。
13. legal [ 5li:^El ] adj. 合法的 Everyone’s legal rights must be defended. 每个人的合法权利必须得到保护。
14. illegal [ i5li:^El ] adj. 违法的 Without the UN’s approval, any military action against another country is illegal, no matter what excuses they give. 没有联合国的授权,任何对他国的军事行动都是非法的,不管它们用什么理由。
15. guilt [ ^ilt ] n. 罪行, 内疚 Strong guilt filled my heart when I learned she cried bitterly. 当我听说她哭得很厉害时,我的心充满了内疚。
16. guilty [ 5^ilti] adj. 犯罪的, 有罪的, 心虚的 The court announced him guilty. 法庭宣布他有罪。
17. innocent [ 5inEsnt ] adj. (~ of) 清白的, 无罪的, 天真的, 无知的 At last he was proved innocent of the murder. 最后他被证明是与凶杀案无关的。
18. arrest [ E5rest ] vt. 逮捕, 拘留, 吸引 n. 逮捕, 拘留 The police arrested him for no apparent reasons. 警察以含糊的理由逮捕了他。
Do you think the judge makes his judgment about crimes completely by law? As a matter of fact, famous lawyers may have some effect on his judgment in the court. Some criminals can even be sentenced “Not guilty” of the terrible discrimination even when there are eyewitnesses. What a shame!

Equality is fundamental for a fair legal system.

Homosexual marriage is legal in certain countries.

Driving drunk is a legal offence.

This is partly a political and partly a legal question.

这个问题部分是政治问题, 部分是法律问题。

You should go through the legal formality.


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    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-04-01 16:37:51

    le 理 gal 国 理国,当然是法律的,合法的啦!

    支持(11) 反对(0)

    发布人:网友提供  发布时间:发布时间:2012-02-02 10:19:43



栏    目:高中必修一 Unit5







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