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probable 音标:['prɒbəbl]

a. 很可能的, 大概的, 可信的n. 很有希望的候选人, 很可能的事情【经】 大概的, 可能的相关词组: It is probable that
谐音:婆若播报 婆婆若播报,很可能是小道消息。
词根词缀记忆法:probable a 可能的(prob+able→能证明的→可能的),Prob, prov= test, 表示“测试,证明”
  • be probable习惯上不与不定式结构连用

    be probable习惯上不与不定式结构连用

    ■与 be possible 不一样,be probable 通常不用于 It’s probable (for sb) to do sth句型。
    误:It’s probable for him to win.
    正:It’s probable that he will win.
    若将句中的 probable 改为 possible 则是正确的。
    ■记住:要表示类似意思 probable 通常使用的句型是:It’s probable that-clause. 如:
    Is it probable that he will come today? 他今天很可能来吗?
    It’s probable that we’ll be a little late. 我们很可能会稍微晚一点儿到。
    It is highly probable that there exist any number of systems resembling our own solar system. 与我查看详情更多>>
1. possible [ 5pCsEbl ] poss-ible, adj. 可能的 It’s possible for him to lose heart after the defeat.他失败后可能会灰心。
2. impossible [ im5pCsEbl ] adj. 不可能的 It’s impossible that he failed again!他怎么会又失败了!
3. possibly [ 5pCsEbli ] adv. 可能 Possibly, we can send up another manned spacecraft next year.明年我们有可能再次发射载人太空飞船。
4. possibility [ 7pCsi5biliti ] n. 可能性 There lies the possibility that the earth will be overcrowded with human beings.地球有可被过多的人类挤满了。
5. probable [ 5prCbEbl ] adj. 很可能的, 大概的 We had to prepare for the probable heavy rain.我们得为可能的大雨作好准备。
6. probably [5prRbEb(E)lI] adv. 很可能地, 大概地 Mr. Wang is probably his long lost brother!王先生可能就是他失散多年的兄弟!
7. likely [ 5laikli] adj. 很可能的 注意:可以说 Somebody is likely to do something (possible, probable 则不可) Mr. Wang is likely to be his long lost brother.王先生可能就是他失散多年的兄弟。
8. unlikely [ Qn5laikli] adj. 未必的, 不太可能的 It’s unlikely that the Middle East will embrace peace with Israel’s Unilateral action plan.以色列的单边行动计划不可能给中东带来和平。
9. maybe [ 5meibi ] adv. 大概, 或许 Maybe you are right.或许你是对的。
10. perhaps [ pE5hAps ] adv. 或许, 多半 Perhaps it will be another fine day.多半又是一个好天气。
11. potential [pE5tenF(E)l] Capable of being but not yet in existence adj. 潜在的, 可能的 We will develop our potential power.我们将开发我们的潜在能力。
It’s impossible for Chen Shuibian to separate Taiwan from the mainland. The mainland is unlikely to allow its independence. China must unite. There lies the possibility that a war will probably happen across the straits, and perhaps the USA will stand on the side of Chen Shuibian, China will take Taiwan back at any cost.

It's probable to win in gambling if you are good enough at maths.

Isn't acrylamide listed as a probable human carcinogen?


She was miserable in considering how much unsuspected vexation was probable ready to burst on him.


It is probable to finish the job before dark.




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