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It was at ten o’clock that he came back. 他是10点钟回来的。
It was after ten o’clock that he came back. 他是在10点过后回来的。
It was before ten o’clock that he came back. 他是在10点前回来的。
It was ten o’clock when he came back 是一个包含有when引导的时间状语从句的复合句,全句意为“当他回来时,时间是10点钟”。[1]时间状语从句,when,相关知识点
when、while、as引导时间状语从句的区别[1]while单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:联想方式:which-文化处公司的文化处是哪一间。◆记忆方法二:联想方式:which-文化处记忆方法:公司的文化处是哪一间。查看详情>>When I got to the airport,the guests had left.当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。When he had fi查看详情>>



1) It was last night ___ I see the comet.

A. the time B. when  C. that  D. which

  答案C. 强调句的结构是: It +be +强调部分 + that (who) + 主谓句。 强调句的连词只有两个,that和who。当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才用 "who",其余用that。

 原句: My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.

 强调主语: It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.

 强调宾语: It was the experiment that my father did in the lab yesterday evening.[2]that,宾语,相关知识点
介词后可接that引导的从句作宾语吗[1]that单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:联想方式:th天河:at在记忆方法:那个天河区在广州查看详情>>介词后可接that引导的从句作宾语吗介词后通常不能接that引导的从句,遇此情况应在介词后加上 the fact。如:I’m sorry for what I said. 我为我说的话表示歉意。It all depends on when w查看详情>>

 强调时间: It was yesterday evening that my father did the experiment in the lab. (注意不用when)[3]yesterday,evening,相关知识点
home此处用作副词,所以不应加to,又如:I arrived home at eleven thirty yesterday evening.而at home除了"在家"之意外,还有像"在家里一样"之意。如Make yourself at home.(不要拘束就像在家一样。)[1]home,副词,相关知识点home在这里为副词。[误] The students were on查看详情>>

 强调地点: It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening.

2)It is ten years ___ Miss Green returned to Canada.

A. that B. when  C. since  D. as

  答案C. 考点是连词用法。 本题易误选为A. that. 其实本句不是强调句。若是,去掉It  be… that还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉 'It is…that',只剩下ten years Miss Green returned to Canada. 不成句。因此本句不是强调句。 [4]连词,用法,相关知识点
连词because用法详解[1]because单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:联想方式:be(是)+ca(茶)+use(使用)记忆方法:因为是茶的使用不当,所以才引起了腹泻。查看详情>>I didn’t go because I was afraid.这个句子既可理解为“我没有去是因为怕”,也可理解为“我不是因为怕才去”。但是,如果because之前有副词just修饰,一般认为not是查看详情>>

  It is /was +时间+ since… 其中is has been  was had been.


上一篇: 有关强调结构的几类重要考点,英语被动语态考点全真模拟题(有详解),英语独立主格考点专项训练(附详解),高考英语冠词考点的命题规律什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

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