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助动词should和would的用法,should,would,单词记忆法、语法用法,与should,would, 相关例句、名人名言

动词appreciate的两点用法[1]appreciate单词记忆法◆记忆方法一:谐音:阿婆若是爱他 阿婆若是爱他,一定很赏识他。◆记忆方法二:分析:appre——苹果(apple)的近似拼写;ci——“吃”的近似拼写; ate——“吃” 的过去式; 记忆方法:我感激地接过这个苹果吃了又吃。◆记忆方法三:联想方式:app-(一篇篇);re-(热);ci-查看详情>>

2) would也无词义,是will的过去形式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,用于第二、第三人称,例如:

   He said he would come.  他说他要来。


   "I will go," he said. 他说:"我要去那儿。"


   He said he would come.  [2]would单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:联想方式:单词比较:would-world 世界r 将要u ru:入记忆方法:进入世界将要面对竞争。查看详情>>



aux. 应该, 将要相关词组: I should have thought I should like I should think

分析:shou – “手”的拼音;ld——“铃铛”的拼音手字母;


aux. 将, 愿意相关词组: would you...?

联想方式:单词比较:would-world 世界r 将要u ru:入

We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we  have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion.Leon Gambetta, French educator——我 们应该把一切改革先放下。我们只有 一项任务,就是教育人民,普及知识、倡导科学。这一天到来之时,便是我们振国兴邦之日。法国教育  爱甘必大  L
If you wish to succeed , you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. (Thomas Edison , American inventor )——如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)
It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country. 对朋友不义,不可能对国家效忠。
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 自己有短处,不要揭别人的短处。
Charity begins at home, but should not end there. 仁爱须由近及远。
If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 众擎易举。
Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。
The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment,Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.——Thomas Jefferson, American president 人民是完全可以信赖的,应该让他们听到一切真实和虚伪的东西,然后作出正确的判断。倘使让我来决定,我们应该是有一个政府而不要报纸呢,还是应该有报纸而不要政府,我会毫不犹豫选择后者。美国总统 杰斐逊.T.
Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. John Barry more, American actor, J.  死?我想说不,亲爱的伙计。巴瑞摹尔决不会允许这类传统的事情发生在他的身上。美国男演员 巴瑞摹尔 J  
The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them , since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and  stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon  plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.Mark Twain, American  writer自然法即神灵法,只是用来约束每一个个体的法律,我们必须坚定地拒绝遵守。我们应该坚定地遵守忽视神灵法的规章制度,因为规章制度赋予我们和平、比较好的政府和稳定,因而对我们来说,规章制度比神灵法更好,因为如果我们采用神灵法的话,他会将我们陷入迷惑、无序和无政府状态。美国作家   马克·吐温A

HAPPINESS——A lifetime of happiness ! No man alive could bear it ; it would be hell on earth .(G. Bernard Shaw ,British dramatist )终身幸福!这是任何活着的人都无法忍受的,那将是人间地狱。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)
He that would command must serve. 欲做先生,先做学生。
How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the would is rotten at  the core, How many an innocent-looking apple, is harbouring a worm in the bud,. But the orange has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside. Allen.A.Milne,American writer——表面鲜嫩可爱,内核变坏的梨子在这个世界上不知有多少。看上去纯净无瑕内心早就长了虫的苹果,在这个世界上不知有多少。然而橙子却毫无缺点可以隐瞒,它的外部就是它内心的一面镜子。美国作家  米尔恩.A.A
Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。
He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep). 欲寻珍珠,须潜水下。
He who would search pearls dive below. 不潜深水则不得珠.
Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. 好药不苦不会加糖衣。
He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree. 不劳无获。
I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of good books to read than a king who did not love reading 宁为穷汉住搁楼,拥有好书任我读,不愿身居帝王位,纵有好书不爱读。
If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 众擎易举。


上一篇: arrive in/at、reach、get to的用法什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

栏  目:将来完成时

下一篇: 常用介词短语的用法,副词修饰介词短语的用法讲解什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义






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