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时态一致,直接引语变成间接引语时,从句时态无须改变的情况有哪些,存在句 ther...


1) 如果从句所叙述的为真理或不变的事实,则永远用现在时。
At that time, people did not know that the earth moves.
He told me last week that he is eighteen.
2) 宾语从句中的助动词ought, need, must, dare 时态是不变的。[1]宾语,动词,相关知识点
动词express后接什么样的宾语动词express后接什么样的宾语1. 表示“表达”“表示”等,通常不接双宾语。如:他对她表示了他的谢意。误:He expressed her his thanks.正:He expressed his thanks to her.2. 有时可接反身代词作宾语,其意为表达自己的意思、思想、感情等。如:Have I expressed mysel查看详情>>

He thought that I need not tell you the truth.[2]thought单词记忆法

知识点1:直接引语变为间接引语的时间状语变化直接引语变为间接引语的时间状语变化直接引语变间接引语时,有些时间状语根据情况也要相应的改动:如将now改为then,将today 改为that day,将tonight改为that night,将yesterday改为the day before,将this month改为that month,将last week改为the week查看详情>>

He said,“Practice makes perfect.” ——>He said that practice makes perfect.
7)当直接引语中有情态动词should, would, could, had better, would rather, might, must, ought to, used to, need时,如:[4]would rather,had better,used to,相关知识点
used to; had better; would rather的用法。2.had better意为“最好”,后接不带to不定式。We had better go now.Hadn’t we better stop now?I think I’d better be going.You had better have done that.3.would rather意为“宁愿查看详情>>

The doctor said, “You'd better drink plenty of water.” ——>
The doctor said I'd better drink plenty of water.
He said, “She must be a teacher.”——> He said that she must be a teacher.
He said, “She ought to have arrived her office by now.”——>
He said that she ought to have arrived her office by then.[5]that,have,相关知识点
have it that…的意思与用法have it that…的意思与用法have it that…的意思是“据说……”,其主语通常是rumour, legend等词。如:Rumour has it that Kim is not his child. 据说基姆不是他的孩子。Rumaur has it that they are getting married.传闻他们要结婚查看详情>>

The teacher said, “You needn't hand in your compositions today.”——>
The teacher said we needn't/didn't need to/didn't have to hand in our compositions.[6]have to,have,相关知识点
have go还是have to gohave go还是have to go请看下面的题,是选have go还是have to go?Whom would you rather _________ with you, Jim or Jack?A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go有的同学从一看选项便首先排除了A,认为查看详情>>

She asked, “Must I take the medicine?”——> She asked if she had to take the medicine.
〔注〕:此处用had to代替must更好
Teacher: You may have the ball game this afternoon.
Student : What did the teacher say, Monitor?[7]teacher单词记忆法
◆记忆方法一:联想方式:tea(茶)+ch(厂)+er(人)我在茶厂碰到的人是我以前的老师。◆记忆方法二:分析:tea— 疼爱;cher—承认;记忆方法:喝茶的老师喜欢能承认错误的孩子。◆记忆方法三:联想方式:tea(茶)+ch(厂)+er(人)记忆方法:我在茶厂碰到的人是我以前的老师。查看详情>>


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栏  目:时态综合

下一篇: 不规则动词的变化规律,英语340个不规则动词的过去式与过去分词(A-H),英语340个不规则动词的过去式与过去分词(H-S)什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义

本文标题:时态一致,直接引语变成间接引语时,从句时态无须改变的情况有哪些,存在句 there be句式时态问题什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义





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