高中必修二 Unit1

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castle 音标:['kɑ:sl]

n. 城堡, 象棋中的车vt. 置于城堡中, 盘踞于【医】 铅制容器(盛放射物质)
1. city n. 城市 Chengdu is a city you will hesitate to leave once you come to it. 成都是一座你来了就不想走的城市。
2. citizen zen, 音似“人”, citizen n. 城市人,公民 Every citizen enjoys the same rights. 每个公民都享有同样的权利。
3. cottage n. 村舍, 小别墅 The boy lives in a lonely cottage 那男孩居住在一间偏僻的村舍里。
4. castle n. 城堡 The nobles in the Middle Age in Europe used to live in a castle. 在欧洲中世纪,贵族们曾经住在城堡里。
5. town n. 城镇 The town of Huayuang will be a vice center of Chengdu. 华阳镇将成为成都市的一个副中心。
6. downtown n. 市中心,繁华区 I don’t want to live in downtown, for it is too noisy. 我不想住在市中心,因为那里太闹杂了。
7. village n. 村庄 The peasants live together in the village.农民们一起生活在村里。
8. villager n. 村民 The villagers here are very kind and warm-hearted.村民们善良而热情。
9. province n. 省 Sichuan is a populous province.四川省是一个人口大省。
10. provincial adj. 省级的 Mr. Li has won several provincial rewards. 李老师获得过几项省级大奖。
11. state n. 州, 国家(侧重指政权) How many states is the United States made up of? 美国由多少个州组成的?
12. federal adj.联邦的, 联合的. A federal government may be suitable for some places, but it can’t be fit for every place.一个联邦政府可能对某些地方来说是合适的,但并不是每个地方都合适。
13. country n. 国家(侧重指国土),乡下 Everyone should love his own country. 每个人都应爱自己的祖国。
14. nation n. 国家,民族 Chinese are a hardworking as well as peace loving nation. 中华民族是一个勤劳而热爱和平的民族。
15. national adj. 国家的,全国的 She hopes to win the national English contest.她希望能赢得这次全国英语比赛。
16. nationality n. 国籍 I couldn’t understand why some people give up their own nationality and try to receive a foreign nationality. 我不明白为什么一些人要放弃自己的国籍而要设法获得外国国籍。
17. international inter-, 在……之间的 adj, 国际的 Force never means everything throughout the human history. 在整个人类史上,武力从来不是万能的。
The downtown people in an international city are not all citizens of the same nationality. They come from different countries. Some are nobles from castles in the states while some were villagers out of cottages from different provinces.

TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".
ELLEN: I is...
TEACHER: No, Ellen. Always say, "I am."
ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

The surrounding river of the castle looks so blue!

The castle is a famous relic from the Middle Ages.


The castle attracts more than 300,000 visitors a year.


There's an old castle near the lake.


※The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress.——E.Coke, British jutist 每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。英国法学家 科克.E.
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    发布人:zhengtaiconglewo  发布时间:发布时间:2011-11-24 20:54:45


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栏    目:高中必修二 Unit1







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