高中必修四 Unit1

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refer to什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、释义

栏目:高中必修四 Unit1|点击:
refer to 音标:[ri'fə: tu:]

查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听
mention/refer to/speak of/talk of/hear of/tell of
1. mention [ 5menFEn ] vt. 提及, 说起 The headmaster mentioned the good deed you did yesterday in his report. 校长在他的报告里提到了你昨天做的好事。
2. refer to 查阅, 提到, 谈到 Only when you can’t figure out the meaning of the new word can you refer to a dictionary. 只有当你不能推测出生词的意思时你才能去查词典。
3. speak of 谈及, 说到 Speaking of fruits, I wonder whether you like pineapples. 谈到水果,我想知道你是否喜欢菠萝。
4. talk of 谈及, 说到 We talked of your great achievements in chemistry. 我们说到了你在化学方面的巨大成就。
5. hear of 听说 Never have I heard of such an absurd story. 我从未听说如此荒唐的事。
6. tell of 讲述 The teacher told us of the intense situation across the straits. 老师给我们讲到了海峡两岸的严峻形势。
--Have you heard of Mr. Green? It’s said that he referred to you as a hero yesterday.
-- Don’t mention him. Speaking of Mr. Green, I find myself upset. He often talks of himself more than anyone else.

When cooking a new recipe I always refer to the cookbook.

PRON-SING. (第一人称单数代词,用作动词的主语)我. A speaker or writer uses I to refer to himself or herself. I is a first person singular pronoun. I is used as the subject of a verb.
ADJ. (表示在与已提及或已知的人或事物同一类中)别的,其他的,另外的,额外的. You use other to refer to an additional thing or person of the same type as one that has been mentioned or is known about.
N-COUNT. (活动、兴趣或思想的)领域,范围. You can use realm to refer to any area of activity, interest, or thought.

When I said some people are stupid, I wasn't referring to you.


※We prefer to die a hero,rather than live a slave. 宁为英雄而死,不为奴隶生.


栏    目:高中必修四 Unit1


本文标题:refer to什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义





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