高中选修八 Unit5

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formal 音标:[fɔ:ml]

a. 正式的, 形式的, 礼仪的, 拘于礼节的, 拘谨的n. 正式的社交活动【化】 甲缩醛; 甲醛缩二甲醇【医】 福马尔, 甲缩醛, 甲醛缩二甲醇【经】 正式的
词根词缀记忆法:formal a 正式的,正规的(form+al),form=shape,表示“形状”
formal (考频:6)
a.①形式的:Her obedience to her father’s wishes is merely formal.她只是表面上顺从她爸爸的意愿。
【反】informal a.非正式的

1. fork [ fC:k] n. 叉, 耙, 叉形物, 餐叉 Some farmers dry their wheat with forks.一些农民用叉耙去晾干小麦。
2. knife [ naif ] n. 刀, 餐刀 The westerners often eat with a knife and fork.西方人经常用刀叉吃饭。
3. form [ fC:m ] n. 形状, 表格, 形式v. 形成, 构成 You will fill in a form before you get in.你进去之前要先填一个表。
4. formal [ 5fC:mEl ] adj. 外形的, 正式的, 形式的 When we go to a dinner party, we’d better wear our formal dresses.我们赴宴时最好穿正式的服装。
5. informal [ in5fC:mEl ] 加否定前缀in-, adj. 不正式的, 不拘礼节的 On an informal occasion, we can call others without Mr. or Miss.在非正式场合,我们称呼别人可以不加“先生”、“小姐”之类的称呼。
6. platform [ 5plAtfC:m] plat, 平;platform n .(车站)月台, 讲台, 平台 It takes some courage for some people to make a speech on a platform.一些人需要一定的勇气才能在讲台上发言。
7. format [ 5fC:mAt, -mB:t] n. 版式, 形式, 格 vt. 格式化 The disk has been formatted. All t the data in it have gone.盘子要格式化了。盘上所有的数据全没有了。
8. uniform [ 5ju:nifC:m] 前缀uni-表示“一”,adj. 统一的, 始终如一的, 均衡的 n. 制服 All the policemen must wear their uniforms when on duty.所有的警察上班时必须穿制服。
9. perform [ pE5fC:m ] vt. 履行, 执行, 表演 It’s very important that we should perform our duties fully.我们尽职尽力很重要。
10. performance [ pE5fC:mEns ] n. 履行, 性能, 表演, 演奏 I don’t believe he will put on a wonderful performance.我相信他的表演不会很精彩。
11. reform [ ri5fC:m ] n. 改革, 改善 vt. 改革, 革新, 重新组成 We are glad to say that our reform of economic system has proved successful.我们很高兴地说,我们的经济体制改革证明是成功的。
12. transform [ trAns5fC:m ] vt. 转换, 改变, 改造, 使...变形 It’s necessary to transform our position.我们有必要改变一下位置。
13. inform [ in5fC:m ] n. (~ of/about) 通知, 告知 We have been informed of the sudden conference this afternoon.我们已得到通知,今天下午有个很紧急会议。
14. information [ 7infE5meiFEn ] n .通知, 消息, 情报, 信息 Some misleading information made him determined to launch the war.一些情报误导他决定发动这场战争。
15. former [ 5fC:mE ] adj. 从前的, 以前的 n. 形成者, 创造者 Mr. Clinton, a former president of the USA, toured around the world and gave speeches last year.美国的一位前总统克林顿先生去年周游世界作演讲。
16. message [ 5mesidV ] n. 消息, 音讯, 教训 Hill left a message for you.希尔给你留了一张条子。
17. news [ nju:z ] n. 新闻, 消息 Is there any important news in today’s newspaper?今天的报纸有什么重要的新闻吗? 格言:Bad news travels fast. 好事不出门,坏事传千里。
The westerners use a fork and knife at formal dinner. One day on a train Tony heard the news that Chinese exercise their brains in the form of chopsticks; a message occurred to him that the performance would be better if they used chopsticks too. So he informed their friends waiting for them on the platform. They thought they might perform a reform about dinner first on some informal occasions.
N-COUNT. (学校在学年末举行的)正式舞会. A prom is a formal dance at a school or college which is usually held at the end of the academic year.

There is a set procedure for making formal complaints.


The representatives of both sides reciprocated formal expressions of goodwill.


N-COUNT. (男子在正式社交场合穿的)无尾礼服,黑色小礼服. A dinner jacket is a jacket, usually black, worn by men for formal social events.

When people in Western countries need to be formal, they say Mr., Miss, Ms. Or Mrs. With the person’s family name.




栏    目:高中选修八 Unit5







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