高中必修一 Unit4

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frightening 音标:['fraitəniŋ]

1. terror [ 5terE] n. 恐怖, 可怕的人, 恐怖时期, 恐怖行动 The terror in Madrid shocked the world. 马德里的恐怖行动震惊了全世界。
2. terrible [ 5terEbl ] adj. 很糟的, 极坏的, 可怕的 I feel terrible today. 我今天感到很糟糕。
3. terrorism [5terErIz(E)m] n. 恐怖主义 In order to get rid of terrorism, we must find out what has caused terrorism. 为了根除恐怖主义,我们必须找到恐怖主义的根源。
4. terrorist [5terErIst] n. 恐怖分子 It’s said that Ben Laden is head of the terrorists. 据说本拉登是恐怖分子的头领。
5. terrify [ 5terifai] vt. 使恐怖, 恐吓 The boy was terrified at the ghost mask. 男子被那个鬼面具吓住了。
6. frightening [`fraItEnIN] adj. 令人恐惧的 He trembled at her ugly and frightening face. 看到她丑陋而吓人的脸,他身体发抖。
7. horror [ 5hCrE ] n. 惊骇, 恐怖 To our horror, a huge shark is just around our canoe!使我们恐怖的是,一条大鲨鱼就在我们独木舟周围!
8. horrible [ 5hCrEbl] adj. 可怕的, 恐怖的, 讨厌的 What a horrible experience we had in the ghost city!我们在鬼城的经历真可怕!
9. awesome [ 5C:sEm ] adj. 引起敬畏的, 可怕的 The students stood in awesome silence before the ancient ruins在古代遗迹前,学生们带着敬畏默默站在那里。
10. awful [ 5C:ful] Extremely bad or unpleasant; terrible adj. 可怕的, 威严的, <口>极度的, 糟糕的 Yesterday I had an awful experience in the wood. 昨天我在树林里经历了可怕的事。
11. awkward [ 5C:kwEd ] adj. 难使用的, 笨拙的 Foreigners are often awkward with chopsticks.外国人用筷子常常很笨拙。
Yes, terrorists should be stopped from carrying out their horrible plans. But what caused the terrorism? The terrorists are terrible but they are also of flesh who have only one life, too. As long as such a problem hasn’t been solved, more horrors or terrors will hit the world.

It will be frightening to see wild animals in South Africa.


N-UNCOUNT. 空虚. A feeling of emptiness is an unhappy or frightening feeling that nothing is worthwhile, especially when you are very tired or have just experienced something upsetting.

Indeed, frustration is not terrible, frightening thing is that they lack courage.




栏    目:高中必修一 Unit4







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