五年级下册 Unit1

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late 音标:[leit]

a. 迟的, 晚的, 已故的ad. 很晚, 很迟, 晚【经】 最近的; 最近相关词组: in the late sixties late in autumn late in the season early and late early or late keep late hours of late of late years sit up late work late into the night to stay up late
  • late与later用法归纳


    1. 表示“迟”“晚”,可用作形容词和副词。如:
    She told me that she would be late. 她告诉我她会迟到。
    He arrived late because of the storm. 因为暴风雨他迟到了。
    He came in the late afternoon [late in the afternoon]. 他傍晚才来。
    注意,不要认为 lately 是 late 的副词形式。
    2. 用于 be late (in) doing sth 或 be late with sth, 意为“做某事做晚了或做迟了”。如:
    He was late (in) getting up this morning. 今天早上他起床起得迟。
    Wewere late with lunch [in having lunch] today. 我们今天午饭吃得迟。
    比较:be late for 意为“做……迟到”。如:
    I’ve never been l查看详情更多>>
1. hard [ hB:d ] adj. 硬的, 坚固的, 困难的, 艰苦的 adv. 努力地, 辛苦地 Don’t be so hard on us, please! 请不要对我们那么凶! 格言:The first step is the hardest.万事开头难。
2. hardly [ 5hB:dli ] adv. 几乎不 I could hardly believe my eyes!我几乎不能相信我的眼睛!
3. late [ leit ] adj. 迟的, 晚(期)的, 已故的 adv. 晚, 迟 It’s better to be late than never.迟做总比不做好。
4. lately [ 5leitli ] adv. 近来, 最近 I don’t feel quite myself lately.我近来感到不舒服。
5. recently [5ri:sEntlI] adv. 最近 I have heard from him recently. 我最近收到过他的来信。
6. short [ FC:t] adj. 短的, 矮的, 不足的 A country short of natural resources must try to develop human resources.一个缺乏自然资源的国家一定要设法开发其人力资源。
7. shortly [ 5FC:tli ] adv. 立刻, 不久, 简略地 Shortly after he joined the army, the army was transferred to Iraq.他参军后下久,部队就被调到了伊拉克。
8. near [ niE] adj. 亲近的, 亲密的, 近 adv. 近, 不远 prep. 在...近旁, 近... I suppose big changes will happen in the near future.我想不久的将来就会有很大的变化。
9. nearly [ 5niEli] adv. 几乎 You nearly scared me to death!你差一点把我给吓死了!
10. deep [ di:p ] adj. 深的, 低沉的(声音) adv. 深 He said that in a deep voice.他声音低沉地说了那番话。
11. deeply [ 5di:pli] adv. 深深地 He couldn’t accept the sudden death of his deeply loved daughter.他难以接受他心爱女儿突然夭折的事实。
12. high [ hai ] adj. 高的 adv. 高 Don’t climb so high in the tree, I warn you!别在树上爬那么高,我警告你!
13. highly [ 5haili ] adv. 高度地, 非常 Mr. Yuan Longping was highly honored internationally.袁隆平先生在国际上享有很高声誉。
14. wide [ waid ] adj. 宽的, 广阔的 adv. 广阔地 Standing by the window of our room, you will have a wide view of the city.站在我们的窗口边上,你会看到这座城市很远的地方。
15. widely [5waIdlI] adv. 广泛地, 普遍地 The idea of equality has been widely accepted.人们广泛地接受了质量的观念。
16. most [ mEust ] adj. 最多的, 多数的, 大部分的 adv. 最, 最多, 很 Most of the students come from the poor countryside.多数学生来自贫穷的乡村。
17. mostly [ 5mEustli ] adv. 主要地, 大部分, 通常 The students come mostly from the poor countryside.多数学生来自贫穷的乡村。
18. timely [5taImlI] adj. 及时的, 适时的 Thanks to his timely help, an accident has been avoided.由于他及时的帮助,一场车祸避免了。
19. homely [ 5hEumli ] adj. 家常的 Nothing. Just a homely meal for you.没有什么。只是让你吃一顿家常便饭。
Lately a short boy named Liping came to our class. He worked very hard and even deep into the night. He hardly had any time for chatting. He was often deeply absorbed in his work. He got high marks in the latest exam. Nearly all the teachers thought highly of him and shortly he was widely accepted in our class.

On Sunday I like to sleep late and get more rest.

I get up late so I usually eat brunch at 10:30 am.

It was late at night, so nobody was awake.

Look at the time! I'm late again! My boss is going to kill me.

He got up late, so he was late for the train.


※Never too late to mend. 过则勿惮改。
※It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen. 贼出关门。
※Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。
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